Services - Quality Assurance
At Signifio, quality is of the utmost importance!
We are able to provide the best quality translations because we use only professional specialist translators. Each of our translators has several years of experience and proven references. After translation by a native translator, the text is always reviewed and checked by a second native speaker. The reviewer checks the translation specifically for spelling, grammar and style, so that our professional human translators at Signifio can do what technology cannot do alone. We provide language services according to DIN EN 15038. Please see our registration at DIN CERTCO (no. 7U317).
Computer-aided translation (CAT):
At Signifio, CAT tools are always utilized. Every translator involved on a translation project has ongoing access to the most up-to-date customer-specific translation memories (TMs) and any necessary glossaries.
We want to be your long-term translation provider for all future projects:
When you first contact us, we will assign you a personal Signifio project manager, who will accompany your translation projects to the end and oversee all necessary quality assurance measures. We value individual consultation and support in order to better understand your needs. Our unique corporate culture attracts top specialist translators and makes us the preferred partner for all of your business needs.